Oratia United Senior Football

Oratia has a committed group of players taking full advantage of competing in Men's and Women's Senior Football competitions.

2024 sees Oratia fielding the following teams:

Oratia Forrest :: NRF Men's Div 4

Oratia Tainaz :: NRF Men's Div 5

Oratia Solovalu ::  NRF Men's Div 7

Oratia Rebels :: NRF Masters Div 4

Oratia Westies :: NRF Masters Div 9

Oratia Rovers :: NRF Veterans Div 4 

Oratia Vets :: NRF Veterans Div 4  

Oratia Originals :: NRF Women Div 5

We welcome all out teams and visitors into the clubrooms, pre and post-match. Please be mindful of our Dress Code:

Neat clean clothing

Footwear is required at ALL times

NO playing strip

NO football boots.